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AUD to INR Exchange Rate

Code INR
₹1, ₹2, ₹5, ₹10
₹10, ₹20, ₹50, ₹100, ₹500, ₹2000

Buying Indian Rupees

Note: INR is only available for purchase in our stores. We are not currently accepting INR to exchange into AUD.

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Planning your trip to India

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About the currency

Coins and notes

The rupee can be subdivided into 100 paise (think of paise as the Indian version of cents). If you’re planning a trip to India, don’t stress about the recent demonetisation drama with India’s ₹500 and ₹1,000 banknotes – there are still plenty of valid Indian banknotes in circulation. These include ₹1, ₹5, ₹10, ₹20, ₹50, ₹100, ₹200, ₹500 (the new version), and ₹2,000 banknotes. Indian coins come in 50c, ₹1, ₹2, ₹5 and ₹10 pieces.

Facts about the currency

  • It’s important to note that visitors to India can only bring up to ₹25,000 into the country. Unless you’re an Indian citizen or permanent resident, you’ll need to exchange the rest of your money into rupees on arrival.
  • Each INR banknote has its amount written on it in 17 languages.
  • INR is named after the silver coin, the rupiya, first issued by Sultan Sher Shah Suri in the 16th Century.
  • As of 2011, only 50 paise coins are legal tender in India (there used to be a 25 paise coin in circulation).
  • In 2014, Zimbabwe added the Indian rupee as legal tender due to strong trade ties between the two countries.
  • Want to see how far your INR will go? Check out our India Travel Money Guide for expert tips and destination costs.


Important  note: Due to the Reserve Bank of India's demonetisation of the ₹500 and ₹1,000 banknotes in November 2016, Travel Money Oz is no longer able to accept these banknotes. We have however recommenced trading with all valid ₹50, ₹100 and ₹2,000 banknotes, and the newly issued ₹500 banknote in store. Online purchases can be made in valid ₹2,000 banknotes only. Please contact us if you are unsure of the validity of your INR banknotes.